
Baby Sign Language: Beginners Guide to Baby Sign Language

Baby Sign Language

Baby sign language teaches babies a collection of easy to remember and simple gestures to use as a way of communicating. From about 8 months of age babies do not have the ability to speak but can start to understand much of what is being said. Babies from this age can easily be taught to use gestures as a way of communicating.

Signing does not interfere with your baby’s speech or language development; it actually encourages babies to speak sooner and assists to develop a large vocabulary. Once a baby starts verbalizing words he will still find signing useful for those words that are more difficult. You can start teaching baby sign language at any age, even if your child has started saying some words already. Babies up to the age of 2 ½ years can benefit from signing.

Research has shown that teaching your baby sign language can deliver an array of benefits that include:

• Encourages greater interest in books and pretend play at an early age

• Enriches bond with parents, siblings and carers

• Increases self-esteem and self-confidence

• Increases communication and learning at a very early age

• Helps babies talk sooner

• Reduces tantrums, tears and frustration

• Helps improve intellectual development

• Develops larger vocabularies and helps babies understand more words

To start baby sign language you do not need to attend a course or have any prior knowledge of signing. Baby sign language is designed to be simple and fun and easily learnt by parents to build into their everyday life as a way of communicating with their baby.

To start signing with your baby all you need is an illustrated book listing the available signs. Pick a couple of words that you use daily and start to sign that word every time you say it. Make sure your baby can see your hands when you are signing and ensure that you are consistent. Depending on the baby’s age it may take several weeks before your baby signs back to you but when she does it will all be worth it!

Article Source: Jen Hart