
Baby Sign Language: Why Use Baby Sign Language

Baby Sign Language

Before babies are taught by parents to speak, they begin communicating through sign language. Of course without a guide to reference what the signs mean from baby to parent it is a struggle. The communication needs to be two way. Initially biology and instinct lead the way. Your new born will indicate what they need through a series of cries. In order to start communicating it is our job to learn from baby. The first building block to sign language is nurture. The feeding and protection demonstrated by parents to their babies is essential to communication. When baby realizes that warm soothing tones of your voices are providing care and attention then a strong trust bond is established.

The intellectual development runs roughly in the beginning months along the following time frame. The reflex stage starts from birth to two months and babies tend to engage in simple reflex activities such as grasping and sucking. Babies evolve to primary circular reactions next. This involves stereotyped repetition such as opening and closing fingers. These early stages are baby's signals to parents that they are becoming receptive to what's going on around them. Around six months, typical activities and sounds include vocalization with intonation. His / Her own name recognition and responds to voices by turning the head and eyes. Babies are also able to distinguish between happy and unhappy tones about now.

It is at this point that they are intellectually able to receive sign language and implement it into daily life. Step by step and with practice the learning goes on. From signing hunger to "I'm cold" the sign language gathers momentum. Once baby reaches twelve months then they can generally use a few words with meaning. Although the words may not be complete. He / She will understand basic instructions, particularly with physical or vocal cues are used as part of the instruction. The social implications of speaking will be realized at this point too. So they commence the exchange of speech with those around them, usually on a one to one basis. Sign language and speech are used through out peoples lives. However the significance of the early adoption of sign language maybe overlooked in parenting. It is natural for parents to want the best for their children. It is good judgment on their part to use techniques which are advantage to both themselves and babies. After all in a perfect scenario babies signal their needs without bursting eardrums and causing unrest. Instead simply nurture and develop the biological techniques given to us all by mother nature to our mutual advantage.

The importance of baby sign language is straight forward. Once the communication is two way with similar signs then communication is made easier. Not only in the first year of development. But in the years after too. The principle is to get the child to rationalize it's needs through it's signing so that it's requirements are met easily. It is thought that children who have used baby signing with their parents have an advantage socially and intellectually.

Sign language for babies is their natural language before learning the power of speech. Signing with your baby offers an opportunity to progress your baby's learning from an early stage. Read my article and visit my site to learn more!

Article Source: Chris Wethered